Firstly I would like to welcome you to Sonic Sound Bath.
My name is Rachel.
I am a fully trained Practitioner in Sound therapy I studied with the British Academy of sound therapy and am also an Integral Sound Healing Practitioner with The Sound Healing Academy.
I also have a degree in music technology and still love to teach singing lessons.
What I have found amazing, is how powerful sound is as a tool. It has been used for centuries in all parts of the world. Sound therapy is not a new thing it has been around since the beginning of time and in my personal view, it is a forgotten treasure.
As a facilitator, I love capturing the essence and working with sound on so many levels.
Listening to and gauging the vibrations of the instruments and working intuitively as well as working to a structured plan.
Sound has always been something that has captured my attention.
I have always enjoyed listening to music and feeling moved by a piece of music - but this has completely changed my perspective on not only how we hear sound but how it makes us feel on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level.
Group Sound Relaxation Therapist - Sound Facilitator for group Sound Bath Sessions -
Distinction awarded by The British Academy of Sound Therapy. GSRT
Practitioner Level one-to-one Facilitator in One to One Sound Therapy - Using the BAST METHOD. Distinction awarded by The British Academy of Sound Therapy. PLD.
Practitioner Level Drum Therapy - Distinction awarded by The British Academy of Sound Therapy. PLD
Practitioner Level - Monochord Therapy - Distinction awarded by The British Academy of Sound Therapy. PLD
Integral Sound Healing Practitioner Level One Awarded by the Sound Healing Academy.
Integral Sound Healing Practitioner Level Two Awarded by the Sound Healing Academy.
Music Technology Degree Merit Awarded from Bournemouth University.
Award with commendation from Bournemouth University.
BTEC - National Diploma - Creative Music
BTEC - National Diploma - Music Technology *** DIST
CPD - Courses.
Crystal Healing Diploma CPD Course 17th of June 2023 - Distinction
Acupressure CPD Diploma Course 2021 - Distinction Level 3
Learning to connect with Spirit Guides - CPD Course. 2020 - Distinction
Meridian Psychotherapy Diploma CPD Course 2020 Level 3
Scrying and Tarot Diploma - QLS - 2021 - Level 3
Sound Healing Course - "Medicine of Sound" L1
Sound Healing - NSA - 2021
Meditation Teaching diploma 22/04/2020
Sound Therapy - Course Quality Licence Scheme - Level 3 2020
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions regarding sound therapy or our sound baths